Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Narrow Helix Accuracy Reports

We're getting to the point where we want to explore our preliminary results.
To get a better sense of I examined and collected metrics from our most successful narrow helix trials. The following are the results from conducting 5 trials.
Narrow helix accuracy reports: 
trial 1: 1/4
trial 2: 3/7
trial 3: 1/4
trial 4: 1/5

trial 5: 2/5

Overall Accuracy: 8/25 = 32 %
We acknowledge that this is a pretty low accuracy result, but seeing where we currently is helpful for deciding our next steps. We discussed ways of increasing our accuracy, one promising method is by changing our technique to incorporate only the focused regions of the sample. (i.e. instead of a positive sample of the complete ear for detecting a narrow helix, the sample to train with will only consist of a narrow helix)

Friday, March 10, 2017

March 10th Abstract Development

I haven't made much of a contribution to the research project because I was studying for midterms and also starting feeling ill at the beginning of the week. I was able to assist with the development of the abstract that we submitted for the HU Research Day at Capitol Hill.